Message from the Headteacher
It has been another chilly mid-January and we thank you for ensuring the children have been wrapped up warm. As the weather continues to be unsettled, we ask that you continue to ensure children are dressed appropriately, wearing the appropriate footwear as well as having the correct clothing for outdoor PE lessons.
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind parents about parking restrictions around the school which run between 8.40-9.10am and 3.00-3.40pm. The restrictions are in place as a safeguarding measure to ensure the safety of children and parents during busy times of the day. While the majority of parents abide by the regulations and park cars appropriately, there are occasions when this is not the case. Unfortunately, we have received complaints about parents parking across drives ways, blocking access to drives for our local residents. We ask that you access the school street zone at the given times and that you consider those that live around the school when parking. We always encourage families to walk, bike and scoot to school whenever possible.
This week, you will have received the spring term curriculum statement for your child along with the updated homework letter. This gives you a flavour of the topics they will be covering and the fabulous learning they will be doing. We thank you for your continued support at home, ensuring daily reading takes place and home learning is completed.
Next week, Year 3 are looking forward to their exciting Stone Age workshop (linked to their history topic) If you need support paying for the event, please see Mrs Callow in the office. We will also be running two parent workshops:
- Wednesday 22nd January: Bilingual Speech and Language support (Somalian focus)
- Friday 24th January: Positive behaviour management coffee morning
We look forward to welcoming you!
Warm regards Iman Basu Roy