Message from the Headteacher
Welcome back to all of our children and families after what felt like an extended summer holiday. I would also like to welcome all of our new families to the Vicar's Green community, especially those who are starting in our Nursery and Reception classes.
Our children who are starting their learning journey in our Foundation Stage are joining a school that is a happy and fun place to be, where they can learn through exciting play opportunities with our excellent teachers and support staff.
Over the coming weeks, you and your child will become accustomed to the daily and weekly routines that you will need to do for school and at home. You will also have the opportunity to attend induction meetings in the weeks beginning 23rd and 30th September - the exact dates for your year group are on the calendar at the bottom of this newsletter.
We are very fortunate that all children at Vicar's Green will have access to another year of free school meals. I would like to encourage all of our children to take advantage of this, as the meals are incredibly tasty, nutritious and well-balanced - which will enable our children to work effectively in their afternoon lessons. There is a wide variety of food options, and different dietary requirements catered for. You can find the menu below, and you can have access to it via our school website under, Parents --- Lunch Menu.
As I conclude this newsletter and look out of the window, the sun is shining brightly, however the temperature is starting to drop and will continue to do so as we move through autumn and winter. Due to this, please ensure that your child comes to school daily with a warm, waterproof coat as the children still go outside when it is cold and there is a light drizzle.
We look forward to working with you all this year, and seeing the children progress and bloom here at Vicar's Green.
Warm regards Iman Basu Roy