Message from the Headteacher
As we approach the end of term, Christmas festivities are in full swing at Vicars Green, and it’s been a joyful week filled with activities and celebrations!
A huge thank you to all the parents, families, and children who supported our Christmas Market. Whether you donated, baked, or purchased the delightful cakes and handmade goods, your contributions made this event a tremendous success. The stalls were bustling, and the handmade cakes were especially popular!
The musical concert held during the market was a true highlight, showcasing the exceptional talent of our children. From the choir to the recorder players and guitarists, their confident performances brought festive cheer to everyone. This success would not have been possible without the dedication of our staff. A special thank you to Ms. Gardener for her work with the choir, Ms. Hunter for leading the recorders, Ms. Blissett for conducting, Mr. Knight for running the guitar club, and Ms. Waters, our music leader, for her weekly singing assemblies.
Today, we concluded our festive performances with the Year 2 nativities, where Kestrel and Kingfisher shone with confident singing, actions, and acting—thanks to our dedicated Year 2 teachers and staff. Thank you to all the parents who attended and supported their children and classmates as a warm and welcoming audience.
Next Wednesday, we will be holding our class parties. Your class teacher will have sent a letter detailing what your child should bring. Please follow these instructions carefully. Children are welcome to bring party clothes in a bag, which they can change into at school before the celebrations begin.
We are also thrilled to welcome a pantomime performance for all our students this year. These events bring so much joy but come at a cost. We kindly ask all parents pay £2.50 to ensure we can continue hosting such enriching experiences in the future.
A reminder that school will finish on Thursday, 19th December at 2:00 PM. Please ensure you arrive on time to collect your children at this earlier pickup time.
Warm regards Iman Basu Roy