Message from the Headteacher
It has been a very busy month to end a very busy and productive term! As the children and staff prepare to welcome the winter holidays, we reflect on the fabulous events of December. Our recent annual Christmas fair was once again a fantastic event and the hard work and creativity of staff ensured the pupils had a wonderful time. The candy floss was a particular favourite and the school choir certainly helped to create a wonderful warm atmosphere. Over the last two weeks, the school has been a hive of festive activity with the children enjoying Christmas parties, Nativity performances and of course, our Christmas jumpers day. The school was awash with bright colours, sparkle and sequins with the adults enjoying taking part too. As always, my personal favourite was, of course, the delicious Christmas lunch. It was a joy to see the children enjoy the meal, wearing their Christmas hats, singing along to the music and of course, cracker pulling was the main event. We would like to say BIG THANK YOU to the whole school community for helping to make it such a fun and memorable time for our children.
As we move into the holiday, I would also like to remind parents of the importance of online safety and urge you to be mindful of the amount of time your child uses a device. While they can be a great source of information and entertainment, they can also have a negative impact on wellbeing and children, while searching the internet, are often one click away from harmful material. To safeguard your child, please ensure parental controls are in place and monitor what your children are accessing. For further information and support refer to:
• Child net discusses digital wellbeing in more detail and includes top tips and conversation starters:
• The NSPCC provides further information about mental health including signs to look out for and how to get further support:
On behalf of the team, we wish you a very warm and safe holiday and to those celebrating a Merry Christmas. We look forward to welcoming you all back in the New Year on Tuesday 7th January 2025!
Warm regards Iman Basu Roy