Message from the Headteacher
What an excellent turnout to the Coffee Morning today. It was a delight to see so many parents gathered together in our hall.
Two representatives from the Local Authority were present to talk to parents about positive behaviour management strategies, and share some hints and tips on how to support your children at home in this fast-changing world.
The Curriculum Maps for Spring Term have been uploaded and these will give our parents and careers a clear picture of the topics that the children will be covering. When you get a moment, please visit the Recommended Books page on the website. Here we have published a list of high quality books for children to read. Reading is a life skill that all our pupils need to cultivate. This new year, please allocate time to take your children to visit the local libraries, as borrowing books from there is free of charge. The more children read, the more their imagination and grasp of language will grow. When one reads, the brain transforms words into information and this strengthens the brain's existing neural pathways and creates new ones.
Currently, the subject leaders and the senior leadership team are looking at auditing resources for their specific subjects and placing orders to make sure that all resources are up-to-date. Mr Tinney has been looking at sourcing non-fiction books for our very early readers, so they get exposed to a range of texts from the very beginning. Ms Waters is working at updating the Recommended Reads and working to replenish any missing copies so we have full class sets of books.
Warm regards Iman Basu Roy