Next Tuesday, we will be celebrating Safer Internet Day in school. This is an important opportunity to educate our children about staying safe online and making responsible choices. As the digital world continues to grow, it is essential that children understand how to protect themselves and others from online risks. Using the computing programme Purple Mash, our children will engage in interactive activities that reinforce key online safety principles and encourage them to think critically about their digital footprint. This is an ideal opportunity to review the online safety posters in your child's homework diary.
This week, Year 5 and 6 had a visit from PC Pidding, who spoke to them about online safety and making sensible decisions. Year 6 also explored how to be smart when accessing the internet and what to do if they or their friends experience cyberbullying. They engaged in discussions about real-life scenarios they may face as they transition into high school, considering the best possible choices in difficult situations.
Our school value for this month is courage. We encourage all our pupils to be brave when facing challenges, whether in their learning or personal growth. Courage means making the right choices even when they are difficult and standing up for themselves and others in the face of adversity.